Hacking my way to the presentation software I actually want
Dada Slide is a quirky hobby project built after I couldn't find a presentation app that could allow me to improvise and showcase media on the fly.

Some time ago, I wanted to present a bunch of video and sound as part of a conference presentation and couldn't find anything to make it work. Slide software is super linear and stinks at media playback. On the other end of the spectrum, live event and DJ tools would be too hard to use while also giving a speech.
So I made this thing. There is no authoring involved. You just open a folder full of media and click to trigger it. Simple, right?
I added a few more tricks as well. First, to make simple text slides, just drop a Markdown file into your folder. And if you want to present a webpage, Dada Slide can show a live website without needing to open a browser.